Impact dashboard

[Brand name]

Photo taken at one of our planting spots. Veluw, The Netherlands.

Tree collection of the MADE out of community

Track your personal compensation at Favems

Where we planted our trees

Laten zien hoeveel bomen de community al heeft geplant en wat dit heeft bespaard.

Impact by MADE out of

9 Trees Planted
CO₂ Captured
kg CO2 till now
in 40y
more info?
Equivalence of
1072.3 kms
driving in NL
more info?

The change starts with MADE out of

MADE out of does numerous things to reduce their footprint. See their current sustainable achievements below.

Local production

We produce our products in-home or with partners located in the Netherlands.

Recycled materials

We use upcycled and recycled materials, made in Europe. And as we use high qualitative materials our products last for a long time.

Social involvement

Our products are handmade by impact-driven makers. Together with them we work on diversity, inclusiveness, job satisfaction and opportunities for everyone.


Brand's Impact

The CO2 captured metric shows the positive environmental impact of the compensation, today and over its average period of 40 years.

The equivalence metric shows the realised impact so far with your compensation compared to saved kilometres not driven in a car.

CO₂ Captured
kg CO2 so far
after 40y
more info?
18.3 km
Not driven
more info?


Certificate ID
CO2 Offset
9052 kg
'The right tree in the right place' - by LifeTerra
Estimated CO2e capture in 40 years (more info)
2,800 tonnes of CO2eq
About the project
We firmly believe in 'the right tree in the right place' for more effective land restoration and greater ecosystem resilience. Therefore, planting a diverse mix of tree species is essential to our plan. (read more)
Precise location of your tree
(51.843, 4.511)
Share this certificate!

Without your contribution, no tree was planted.

Using the contribution of your product, and those of others, we plant a tree locally on Dutch grounds in collaboration with Life Terra.

Life Terra is a non-profit which is co-financed by the European Commission. They currently have planted more than 6.5 million trees in the EU, and counting.

Each individual tree is expected to last on average for  40 years*. Trees of this dashboard are trackable, and will receive regular updates.

A real lasting impact near you.

Our planting partner Life Terra in (happy) action

Sustainability Metrics of [Product Name]

See below the impact of MADE out of [product name].
More text to tell about the product(s).

How we measure the CO2?

We calculate the CO2-emissions of your products produced during the cradle-to-gate lifecycle. From the extraction of raw materials, to the delivery to you. Footprint calculations according the GHG guidelines.

Farming and production
Shipping and transportation

Cradle to gate cycle of product

CO2e compensated through Emissa